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Unlock the Power of Big Data with NidiSoft – Where Data
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Benefits from our
online learning

Online Degrees
Online degrees have become increasingly popular as technology has advanced and educational institutions have adapted to meet the needs of remote learners. Here are a few key points about online degrees:
Learn with experts
“Learn with experts” generally refers to the idea of gaining knowledge or skills from individuals who are highly knowledgeable, experienced, or skilled in a particular field or subject. Here’s why learning from experts can be valuable:
Short Courses
Short courses refer to educational programs that are typically shorter in duration compared to traditional academic courses or degrees. Here are some key aspects of short courses:


What is Apache Spark

Apache Spark Tutorial – Apache Spark is an Open source analytical processing engine for large-scale powerful distributed data processing and machine learning applications. Spark was Originally developed at the University of California…
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Install a JDK (Java Development Kit) from index.html . Keep track of where you installed the JDK; you’ll need that later. // Create SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder() .master(“local”) .appName(“”) .getOrCreate()…
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Install a JDK (Java Development Kit) from copy 2 index.html . Keep track of where you installed the JDK; you’ll need that later. // Create SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder() .master(“local”) .appName(“”) .getOrCreate()…
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Spark Session

SparkSession introduced in version 2.0, is an entry point to underlying Spark functionality in order to programmatically use Spark RDD, DataFrame, and Dataset. It’s object spark is default available in spark-shell. //…
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